Evaluating the Party Manifestos
It’s crucial the next government addresses our inequality crisis, and it’s an all-encompassing crisis: it’s heavily intersectional, affects almost every area of policy, and is itself created by dozens of overlapping factors.
There’s many different ways the policies can improve or worsen things. That’s why we decided to assess the manifestos released by the big five pan-UK parties against our own manifesto for the next government. These priorities, built with help from our supporters, are the things we think would make the biggest difference in the next decade.
A Just Transition
We need to rapidly move our economy from a polluting, exploitative, and unequal model towards one that is sustainable, democratic, and fair. Currently, billionaires are able to make enormous profits off hard times for the rest of us, and the UK’s distribution of wealth and income is some of the most unequal in the developed world.
Cohesive and Engaged Communities
We need Universal Basic Services that are publicly owned; something that been undermined by the corporate capture of our institutions and democracy. This has allowed abuses of power and failures to protect our communities, which is why we need a justice system that protects, rehabilitates, and holds power to account.
Healthy and Safe Communities
Cuts and restrictions to our safety nets have left them some of the most punishing in Europe. They do not provide enough to afford the basic essentials of life, let alone what is needed to thrive. The endless housing crisis in this country also plays a big part in that, and many of our young people are not given a fair start in life.
People-Centred Governance and Work
In order to create a more equal country, we need to change our system to empower our communities and different economic models. These should redirect the money currently going into private profits into co-operatives, local communities, and workers.
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