Support Us

We’re fighting against obscene wealth and power. All our work is possible thanks to people like you. Donate one hour’s wage per month – or whatever you can afford – to help build a more equal UK.

Some suggested contributions:

  • £3 per month
  • £5 per month
  • £9 per month
  • £20 per month
  • £50 per month

Make a one off donation

Prefer not to donate online?

You can donate regularly by standing order instead of signing up for Direct Debit online. Email Jo Wittams for our bank details. We will then collect one payment each month and we will enrol you in our Supporter Programme.

Supporter benefits include:

  • Monthly email updates 
  • Priority invitations to events
  • Free entry to our Supporter Conference
  • You will be part of the only dedicated campaign for greater income equality in the UK

A larger donation would of course be gratefully received. We are an independent organisation funded by generous contributions from trusts, foundations and individual supporters. By committing to a regular donation, you will help to provide a secure basis for our campaign.

If you have any problems, or questions about becoming a supporter please contact