Prime Minister Must Tackle Inequality to Put Fairness At Heart of Government Agenda

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s speech to Conservative Party conference today, Dr Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust, said:

“We welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to putting fairness at the heart of her government’s agenda and we await the action to tackle inequality inherent in that promise. We are happy to work with a government that is serious about creating a more equal country, but you cannot have a cohesive society when people are so divided by their wealth and income. 

“The Prime Minister was right to put exploitative bosses ‘on warning’ and to acknowledge that a company’s success is built by all its staff, and should therefore be fairly shared. We now need action. A Pay Ratios Bill, requiring medium and large companies to publish and explain the absurd gap in pay between the boss and the average worker, would be a good start. We also welcome her commitment to workers on boards, which would provide transparency and a much needed insight into the reality of business. 

“The inequality in income and wealth we see today will limit future opportunities for working class children. So if Theresa May is really serious about building a fairer country, she must also commit her Government to reducing overall levels of economic inequality.”

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