Equality Trust Response to Autumn Statement

Responding to today’s Autumn Statement, Dr. Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust, said

“The policies discussed today will hit the poorest hardest and further widen the UK’s dangerously high levels of inequality. Those receiving Universal Credit will be glad to keep more of their earnings at the end of the month, but it’s small fry compared to the wider cuts they face. The Government is giving the “just managing” a little with one hand, but taking a lot more with the other. It’s good to see the distributional analysis reinstated, so we can see how different households are affected, but it’s a scandal that when the richest 1% owns almost a quarter of the country’s wealth, they are even better off through a raise in the personal allowance and 40p income tax thresholds.

“We need to see more support for those who are struggling with low incomes and high costs. The Government must look again at policies that reduce economic inequality if they want to improve livings standards, tackle the cost of living crisis and build a strong and sustainable economy that benefits us all, not just a gilded elite.

“The UK’s huge inequality harms our society and our economy. We know that more unequal societies have lower levels of trust, worse mental and physical health, and higher rates of violent crime.”

For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact info@equalitytrust.org.uk