The Inaugural Richard Wilkinson Lecture (7th December)

We are pleased to announce that the Inaugural Richard Wilkinson Lecture will be held on the evening of 7th December, to be given by Professor Richard Wilkinson entitled “The Fear that Divides”. The lecture will be held at UCL’s Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre, Roberts Building, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, from 6.30 – 9pm, in collaboration with UCL’s Faculty of Population Health Sciences. In future years, we will invite distinguished speakers, experts in their field, to give the Richard Wilkinson lecture.

About The Fear That Divides: Inequality is so damaging to social cohesion because it makes the vertical dimension of society – including the divisions of class and status – more important. As a result, we become more worried about social comparisons and how we are seen by others, and that preys directly on our sensitivities about our self-worth and affects our mental health. After discussing these issues, Richard will go on to criticise popular perceptions of the social hierarchy and how we might really move towards a classless society.

To secure your place now, please book in using this link – and please book in as an Equality Trust guest. Places are limited so do book in quickly.

Thank you.

The Equality Trust.

Biography: Richard Wilkinson has played a formative role in international research on the social determinants of health and on the societal effects of income inequality. His books and papers have drawn attention to the tendency for societies with bigger income differences between rich and poor to have a higher prevalence of a wide range of health and social problems. Two of his books have been the subject of documentary films – one called The Great Leveller for the Equinox series broadcast in prime time in 1996 (to coincide with the publication of his Unhealthy Societies) and another, called The Divide (based on The Spirit Level) released in April 2016 and now available on Netflix.

Richard is now Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, Honorary Professor at UCL and Visiting Professor at the University of York. He wrote The Spirit Level with Professor Kate Pickett, a best-seller published in 2009 and now available in 24 languages. It won the 2011 Political Studies Association Publication of the Year Award and the 2010 Bristol Festival of Ideas Prize. In 2013 Richard received Solidar’s Silver Rose Award and received Community Access Unlimited’s ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ Award.  The Irish Cancer Society awarded him the 2014 Charles Cully Memorial medal, and he was the 2017 medalist of The Australian Society for Medical Research. In the last few years he has given many hundreds of conference addresses and media interviews round the world, including at WHO, the EU, OECD and the World Bank. His TED talk, How Economic Inequality Harms Societies, has reached over 3 million people across different websites. He is a co-founder of The Equality Trust. A new book, also co-authored with Kate Pickett, will be published by Penguin in 2018.

Further information: This lecture is a collaboration between the UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences and The Equality Trust. 

STOP PRESS: The Equality Trust is delighted to have been selected to take part in The Big Give Christmas Challenge, to fund much needed work with young people related to economic inequality. For ONE WEEK ONLY, starting on 28th November your donation will be DOUBLED. Please save the date and look out for further information. Thank you.