Budget 2017 – We’ve Found The Magic Money Tree (Tell The Chancellor)

If truth be told we knew where the Magic Money Tree was all along and the recent disclosures in the Paradise Papers just confirms we were right. We know from our Wealth Tracker 2017 that the money needed to address the UK’s vast and damaging inequality, poverty and related social problems is concentrated in the hands of the super-rich. We need to tell Philip Hammond, ahead of his budget, that this is where he should look to get the money to make our society fairer and better. So here are some ways you can help persuade him to do the right thing:

1. Click here to send the Chancellor a tweet

Please remember to include [@Your MPs twitter handle] at the end of the tweet.

2. Click here to send your MP a tweet

Please remember to include .[@Your MP’s twitter handle] at the start of your tweet, including the full stop at the start.

3. Re-tweet / re-post our #MagicMoneyTree images on your social media 

On our twitter and facebook pages we have some eye-catching posts with Magic Money Tree infographics, please RT or share these as widely as possible. Thank you.

And wherever possible, please link to our Wealth Tracker 2017, here: https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/wealth-tracker-2017-0 (short version here: http://bit.ly/2sl2heG).

If you are active on facebook, please also spread the word there. Or if you prefer letters, then please send one to the Chancellor urging him to tax the richest and please copy your local MP. Many thanks for your help with this action. If you get any replies from the Chancellor or your MP, please do let us know. Together we can make a difference. Inequality is NOT inevitable.

The Equality Trust Team