Croydon Community Against Trafficking (CCAT) is a grassroots charity that was formed 14 years ago. We are a voluntary coalition of people from all walks of life who work to campaign against human trafficking, oppression, and the enslavement of people that exists in our own community. We work with local, regional and national agencies and seek to respect human rights at all times.

The key aims of CCAT and YCAHT are:

  • To raise awareness of the horrors of human trafficking via CCAT in Croydon and via YCAHT in London and other communities
  • To stimulate effective action through cooperation in order to stop trafficking
  • To work with other agencies to liberate, protect and support trafficked people who have been, or are at risk of being exploited
  • To assist in the disruption of the activities of human traffickers who profit from their illegal trade
  • To help reduce the use of commercial services in Croydon and other local communities if there is an indication of trafficked people being exploited.

We do this through 5 programmes:

1. Intelligence Gathering 

We have a team of intelligence gatherers that collect data and make observation at key ‘trafficking’ sites in London such as beauty salons, nail bars, car washes, building sites and restaurants. We also focus on brothels (illegal in the UK), this information is gleaned from posters, massage adverts and online. We feedback data to the local police, Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority and the Council.

2. Schools & Education Programme 

CCAT provides 1 hour workshops to schools, colleges and graduates on the issue of trafficking, modern slavery and online grooming. We have reached over 800 students in the last year and continue to reach more with our specialist training package. We also encourage large schools to undertake year long campaigns within the school on the issue of modern slavery.

3. Community Engagement 

We provide training sessions on modern slavery to community groups, local charities, forums, universities and businesses. We also provide specialist training on child trafficking to professionals. We provide talks at Churches, other places of worship and local network groups. We have successfully done so for 14 years and have helped raises awareness to thousands of people in London. 

4. Campaigning 

We have designated campaign group, who undertake film screenings, marches and editorials in local newspapers to talk about modern slavery. The group also undertake campaign themes and disseminate information to the public to this effect e.g. via postcard or writing to local government. 

5. Advocacy & Networking 

CCAT is a member of key policy working groups in the UK and provide advice to other groups as to how they can raise awareness in their communities. We contributed toward getting the landmark Modern Slavery Act (2015) enacted and our work has been recognised by the Anti-Slavery Commissioners Office. We do not work directly with victims but have excellent networks locally that allow us to help victims in our locality with issues ranging from basic donations, healthcare, counselling to directing them to local organisations who can advocate for them. We have been involved getting local victims stories into national newspapers for example.