Who has been involved in the Fight Inequality Alliance in the UK?*

The Fight Inequality Alliance in the UK has worked with a number of UK-based charities, civil society organisations, NGOs, artists, community groups and more on a variety of campaigns to reduce inequality both in the UK and globally.

These include:

ACORN Community & Renters’ Union Brighton

Black Sox

Bollo Brook Youth Centre

Bretton Woods Project

Chickenshed Kensington and Chelsea

Christian Aid


Friends, Families and Travellers

Gender and Development Network

Global Justice Now

Grenfell United

Health Poverty Action

Jubilee Debt Campaign

Jubilee Scotland

Just Fair UK


Living Wage Foundation


National Association of Welfare Rights Advisers (NAWRA)

National Education Union

New Economics Foundation

The Playground Theatre

Poetry 4 Grenfell (Kamitan Arts)

Portobello Live Choir

Positive Money

Progressive Policy Unit

Promoting Economic Pluralism

Stamp Out Poverty

St Charles Hospital (Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust)

Tax Justice UK

Taxpayers Against Poverty

Thrive Teesside

Trades Union Congress

The Voice of Domestic Workers

War on Want



Women’s Budget Group

A list of all global allies can be found here.

* Inclusion in this list refers to having taken part in activities and does not imply agreement with everything on this site.