Policy briefings

In Whose Interest? The UK’s role in privatising education around the world
February 2020

Our latest briefing provides an introduction to the UK’s support for privatising education in the Global South, outlining how the rise of privatisation impacts on quality, equality and transparency. This briefing makes clear policy recommendations which offer a route-map to equal and high-quality education for some of the world’s most marginalised children.

Read the briefing and share with organisations across Europe fighting against the privatisation of education.

This resource has been produced by The Equality Trust and summarises research undertaken by Global Justice Now and the National Education Union in their 2019 report, In Whose Interest? The UK’s role in privatising education around the world. Read the full report here.

Financing gender inequality: why public-private partnerships leave women worse off
October 2019

This briefing offers a simple introduction to the issue of public-private partnerships through a gender lens, outlining why strong public services are essential for achieving gender equality, how the rise of public-private partnerships risks undermining this, and offering policy recommendations that seek to meet the needs of women around the world.

Read the briefing and share it with CSOs, NGOs, activists, social movements, feminist organisations and trade unions working to fight inequality across Europe.

Template tweet:

Strong public services are essential to keep women out of poverty, improve health and reduce unpaid care work. Privatisation risks undermining the achievement of women’s rights.

Read @equalitytrust’s new policy brief: https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/sites/default/files/FinancingGenderEquality_PolicyBriefing_October2019_Web.pdf

Finance development, not dividends: challenging the rise of public-private partnerships
April 2019

Finance development, not dividends: challenging the rise of public-private partnerships, our research briefing on the impacts of PPPs for inequality, is available to read online.

This resource aims to simplify the issues relating to private financing and inequality, empowering both civil society and regular citizens with the knowledge to oppose the aggressive promotion of private financing both at home and abroad.

After reading the briefing you will:

  • understand the history, implications and future of private financing;
  • be equipped with the facts about the effects of privatisation;
  • have the tools to coordinate your own campaigns on PPPs and financing for development;
  • have increased your knowledge about the work of the Fight Inequality Alliance and how to join in the collective struggle to build a more equal and sustainable world.

Share this resource with CSOs, NGOs, activists, social movements, feminist organisations and trade unions working to fight inequality across Europe.

Suggested tweet:

Activists and campaigners! Check out @equalitytrust’s new resource to find out how private financing increases inequality, & easy ways you can mobilise against it. Public services must work for people, not for profit. 

Finance #DevelopmentNotDividends
