Inequality Today – Sign Up for the Equality Trust’s Latest Event

Five years ago The Spirit Level revolutionised the way we think and talk about inequality. Now, after much hard work and effort, the ‘film of the book’ is almost ready – eagerly anticipated to hit our cinemas early next year. Join us on the afternoon of Saturday 25th October for Inequality Today, featuring:

  • Professors Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett, authors of The Spirit Level, contributing to Q+A sessions following the talks by Katharine Round and Adair Turner

Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, New Hunt’s House, Guy’s Campus, London, SE1 1UL (opposite the entrance to Guy’s Hospital A+E department).

Registration: 1.00-2.00pm.

Event: 2.00-5.30pm.

Book your seat for this event now.

This event is free to all registered Supporters of The Equality Trust, as well as members of local equality groups that are affiliated to the Trust.

If you are not yet a Supporter of The Equality Trust, please sign up here.If you wish to find and join your nearest local equality group, please check here. If you wish to set up a new local equality group in your area, please contact Emma Marks at

Please note, we will be providing tea, coffee, water and biscuits but not lunch. There are numerous places to eat in the local area.