Our Pay Ratios
The Equality Trust’s pay ratios are:
- Top-to-bottom: 2.00 to 1
- Top-to-median: 1.33 to 1
- Male-to-Female: 0.88 to 1
- White–to-global majority 0.97
Figures are correct as of November 2024
The Equality Trust’s total income for 2022 was £384,557. This came from a mixture of sources: core funding from Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, John Ellerman Foundation and The Tudor Trust, alongside restricted funding from Alex Ferry Foundation, Barrow Cadbury Trust, Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and Trust for London. We also received generous donations from individuals. All grants are listed below.
- Alex Ferry Foundation: £7,867 [restricted – employment rights education]
- Barrow Cadbury Trust: £27,100 [restricted – Birmingham Socio-Economic Duty]
- John Ellerman Foundation: £35,000 [unrestricted]
- Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust: £14,548 [restricted – #EqualPay50] and £16,670 [unrestricted]
- Trust for London: £53,000 [restricted – London Socio-Economic Duty]
- Tudor Trust: £100,000 [unrestricted]
The Equality Trust also received just under £107,000 from its many generous supporters and donors, and our thanks goes to each and every one of you.
We also earned £22,158 from charitable activities, primarily through the delivery of training and consultancy services.
We are also grateful to the businesses and organisations who have supported us with donated services during the year, including Slack, Google Apps for Non-Profits, Canva, Voipfone and Leave Wizard.
The Equality Trust’s total expenditure in 2022 was £339,716.
Here you can download our most recent, and the previous 5 years, accounts that we have submitted to Companies House and to the Charity Commission: