our strategy

The UK will be a society in which structural inequalities are dismantled, so that everyone can live in dignity, with a good quality of life, able to reach their full potential.

The Equality Trust’s Vision

Our Mission

Using the evidence base, we will support building collective and individual social power to challenge, influence and change political, corporate and economic power to dismantle structural inequalities.

To be a tenacious, innovative and evidence-based champion supporting people and organisations to dismantle structural inequalities. 


  • Just: We take an intersectional approach to structural inequalities, recognising that social and economic inequalities are interrelated.
  • Ambitious: We use the evidence-base unapologetically to challenge, innovate and advocate for ambitious change.
  • Collaborative: We believe in collaboration and co-production, supporting people and organisations to develop their agency and power.
  • Transparent: We are transparent, fair and dynamic, recognising that our impact takes many forms, from the individual level to the international.

Strategic objectives

  1. We will increase public, corporate and political support for, and agency to take action on, dismantling structural inequalities. 
  2. We will use the evidence-base to advocate for policies that will dismantle structural inequalities as a thought leader, focusing on solutions. 
  3. We will strengthen and support organisations and individuals to embed the narratives and practice needed to dismantle structural inequalities.
  4. We will be a trusted and credible authority on inequalities, valuing learned and lived experience, and putting co-production at the heart of our work.
  5. We will be a values-led, agile, sustainable and collaborative organisation that seeks to share its power.