Get involved

Share the open letter to the World Bank and its donors

The Equality Trust has, alongside 173 civil society organizations, national education coalitions and unions, based in 63 different countries from every continent in the world, signed a letter supporting development aid going to free, quality public education. Please support and share this letter online.

Don’t privatise aid: sign the petition

Sign the petition calling on Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, the Secretary of State for International Development, to ensure effective overseas aid spending that is driven by the needs of the world’s poorest, not used to guarantee a profit for bosses and shareholders in the UK.

Read our joint letter to Rory Stewart MP, signed by the National Education UnionGlobal Justice NowHealth Poverty Action and the Bretton Woods Project, when he was appointed in May 2019.

Join the online campaign for #DevelopmentNotDividends

Share our latest series of graphics detailing the risks of private financing and calling for an end to the overuse of PPPs, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Tag your country’s relevant departments and ministers responsible finance, international development and foreign affairs, and use the hashtag #DevelopmentNotDividends to highlight why you’re concerned about the risks of private financing to meet the SDGs.

Join the Fight Inequality Alliance

Get in touch with us at if you are a member of a civil society organisation, trade union or grassroots movement in the UK or across Europe and would like to join the Fight Inequality Alliance to campaign against extreme inequality and the rise of PPPs.

Contact Jenny Ricks, Global Convenor, if you are based outside of Europe and would like to know more.

Find out more about the Fight Inequality Alliance in the UK and Europe.