Equalities Research Network

The Equalities Research Network was founded as a collaboration between The Equality Trust (TET) and PolicyBristol at the University of Bristol. It’s objectives are to further the academic study and public understanding of a range of (in)equalities and how they affect life in the United Kingdom, and globally, by encouraging dialogue and connection between academics and the public, NGOs, business and policymakers.

The network is open to all academics and researchers with an interest and or specialism in all aspects of inequality, whether economic, social or otherwise. Members of the network receive access to a number of opportunities including:

  • Seminars and roundtables
  • Dissemination of research, including Knowledge Exchange Initiatives.
  • Speaking opportunities
  • Media opportunities
  • Bi- monthly newsletter
  • Contributing to TET’s policy and advocacy work

TET is also keen to explore other forms of collaboration and funding, including partnering on research bids, impact acceleration activities, fellowships and secondments. If you are an academic or a researcher and you would like to join the Equalities Research Network, please fill out this form.

If you are a member of the network and you are interested in collaborating with the Equality Trust on a research project, or in applying for joint funding with the Equality Trust, please fill out this form

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@equalitytrust.org.uk.