10 things you can do to reduce inequality

Ten Things You Can Do… (Individual Manifesto)

We are delighted to present our new Individual Manifesto which is a new document produced in response to the question we are often asked​ – what can I do to tackle inequality? Campaigning ​against inequality can seem like a ​daunting task but there are many ​actions people can take in their own lives that can make a huge difference. 

In addition to individual action, the most enjoyable and effective way to take action is to join or form a local equality group where you live. Our affiliated local groups do great work tackling inequality across the UK and you can join them. Please get in touch with us at info@equalitytrust.org.uk if you would like to discuss this further. We can support you all the way in setting up a group.

We are very keen to get your feedback on this manifesto and also very interested to hear what your friends, family and colleagues think about it. The more information we can obtain, the better we can understand what people think about inequality, the policies to address it and where the barriers to progress might be.

Thank you for your continued support. Inequality is NOT inevitable. Together we can fix it. 

The Equality Trust Team