Join the global protests

January 2020 global protest to #fightinequality

Each year in January, members of the Fight Inequality Alliance mobilise across the world to highlight the crisis of inequality and to demonstrate that people are demanding an end to the age of greed and putting forward their solutions for a more equal society.

In the lead up to the global protests and throughout the week, we are asking anyone with a social media account to support the movement by sharing our online content and creating your own videos. Find out how you can support us online.

Speaking to Power: London

On Saturday 18th January, thousands of people in more than 30 countries worldwide are mobilising to demand a fairer, more equal and sustainable future.

As the global 1% meets at the World Economic Forum on the exclusive Swiss mountain resort of Davos, we will be coming together to make noise and call on the Government to listen to its citizens, not the wealthy elite. Will you join us?

We are calling for:

  • good quality education, accessible housing, decent jobs and healthcare for all
  • an end to poverty wages, cuts in public spending and the decimation of social rights
  • an end to hunger and homelessness in the world’s sixth-largest economy
  • fair and progressive taxation and an end to tax breaks for the wealthy
  • a wellbeing economy that serves people and planet, instead of profiting from environmental destruction.

Bring along your bells and whistles or pots, pans and musical instruments. Make some noise. The alternatives are with us, not with the economic and political elites.

Join us. Be heard. Share the event on Facebook

Regional mobilisations

To find out how you can get involved in our London action, please contact us at If you would like to organise a regional mobilisation in your local area, download our regional organising guide or our new flyer. To receive some by post to distribute, contact us via info@ by Tuesday 14th January, 2020.