Focus Areas
The Equality Trust researches and campaigns across many topics relating to our inequalities of wealth and power. This includes researching the causes and impacts of inequality, developing policies, highlighting lived experience, and supporting grassroots movements.
Our activities range widely. We aim to build bridges between the world of policy-makers, research, and lived experience of our inequality.

Wealth & Income Inequality
The UK’s wealthy and powerful profit hugely from the UK’s inequality.
We research the scale of the inequality crisis and its causes, from the impact of privatisation and financialisation to the quality of work and lived experience.
We campaign for policies that will reverse the trend and to support grassroots movement for equality.
Algorithmic Exploitation & Tech
The tech sector is a growing influence over our lives and risks new forms of inequality.
We research the ways corporations and the tech sector are influencing our lives, such as algorithms replacing democratic decisions
We campaign for tech to be used for the benefit of all.
Nature & Climate
The climate crisis is made worse by inequality and will have unequal impact.
We highlight the impact of our unequal systems on the climate and ecology.
We campaign for a just transition and for more a more equal relationship with the natural world.
Just Public Finance
Our systems of spending and taxation have become distorted by our unequal society.
We research the impact of debt, credit, and austerity and campaign for policies that would encourage equality, like wealth taxes, investment in people, and common ownership.
Alternative Economic Models
It’s not enough to just highlight inequalities or campaign for changes within the status quo – our many crises were caused by the inherent inequality of our system.
We research and advocate for the adoption of different models, from community wealth-building and Universal Basic Services to doughtnut economics or limitarianism.
democracy & rights
Elections in the UK have become increasingly unequal, with rapidly growing gaps in turnout and engagement.
We campaign for democracy that genuinely empowers people and to establish rights to a decent life.