Local Groups Activists Day

Come to our Local Groups Activist Day

On Saturday 19th October 2019, The Equality Trust is holding a one-day workshop for activists who want to campaign on tackling inequality. 

This year’s Local Groups Activist Day will focus on:

  • The campaign for income equality, including campaigning for equal pay
  • Building relationships with community organisations that share our aims and values
  • Identifying local campaigning opportunities and issues which will raise awareness of inequality
  • Organising events which engage a broad section of the community and diversify our movement
  • Utilising online platforms to support social change campaigns

Lunch will be provided. Please contact info@equalitytrust.org.uk if you would like further information.

Register Here

When and when:

October 19th, 2019 10:00 am to 5:00 PM

Unite the Union
33-37 Moreland St
Unite the Union, 33-37 Moreland St
Clerkenwell, LON EC1V 8BB
United Kingdom