End The Age Of Greed: Fight Inequality This Week (19-26 Jan)

Tomorrow sees the start of Fight Inequality Week (19-25th January) timed to coincide with Davos week where the rich and powerful go skiing, talk about inequality and then pretty much do nothing. The Fight Inequality Alliance, of which we are the UK and European convener, is co-ordinating a week of protests across the world and Thursday 25th January has been designated as a Day of Action.

During the week, you / your friends / your family / your group can play a crucial part in one or more of the following ways (please tag in @equalitytrust and @FightInequalit1 in anything you post on twitter and please tag your post with #FightInequality):

1. Just click here to share a tweet with your followers

2. Download the new campaign toolkit which provides ideas, template letters and links to images for you to use

3. Take a picture holding a sign with the Fight Inequality Alliance logo (available here) and post to social media 

4. Send a letter to your local press (a suggested draft is below)

5. Make a 30-60 second video about what inequality means to you and post it to social media, with the hashtag #FightInequality 

6. Write a short blog on inequality and send it to us or publish it on your own blog/websites

7. Follow and share as many of the #FightInequality social media posts as possible

8. Get in touch with us about setting up a local equality group where you live.

We would like to thank you in advance for anything and everything you are able to do. Inequality is NOT inevitable. Together we can fix it and end the age of greed.

The Equality Trust Team


Dear Sir/Madam

This week the super-rich, politicians and huge global corporations will be meeting in the Davos ski-resort to pontificate about world affairs including the issue of inequality. While a lot of the focus will, rightly, be on global inequality and what can be done to help developing countries, it should be borne in mind that the UK is one of the most unequal of all developed countries. Evidence from organisations like The Equality Trust show that vast inequality is bad for all of us, even wealthy people. 

Being the fifth or sixth richest country in the world has not stopped a massive rise in food bank use, a surge in homelessness and the widespread low pay and poverty that we witness today in the UK. If we want to live in a decent society, where everyone is valued and can play a part to their full potential, we must call on our elected representatives to prioritise policies that will reduce inequality. Inequality is not inevitable. Together we can fix it.
