General Election 2015 – Equality Trust Supporters Taking Action Across the UK

We’ve had an excellent response to our call for supporters to engage with their candidates in the run-up to the election in May. Affiliated local equality groups and individual supporters have signed up to ask all their prospective parliamentary candidates (including MPs seeking re-election) the following questions:

  • Do you agree that the government should adopt a target that the net impact of its policies will be to reduce overall economic inequality? 
  • What policies will you support that will contribute to the reduction of UK economic inequality?

We will be collating and analysing the responses from the candidates and we will use this information to press the next government – and parliament – to prioritise the reduction of economic inequality in the UK.

As outlined in our Fairer, Stronger Economy document we want the next government to:

  • Set an explicit goal that the net impact of their policies will be to reduce the gap between the richest and the rest.
  • Produce an estimate of the net impact of their manifesto policies on UK inequality.
  • Commit to commissioning an OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility) estimate of the net impact of their annual budgets on UK inequality.

If you want to help us make 2015 the Inequality Election, just contact and we will send you one of our two specially prepared packs, one for individual activists and the other for those working as part of a group. I can also put you in touch with your nearest equality group if you wish, or help you start one in your area.

This election presents a rare tipping point opportunity for the issue of inequality, please help us seize it.

Bill Kerry – Supporters & Local Groups Manager