General Election 2017: Time For Equality

The upcoming general election on the 8th of June represents a huge opportunity​ to advance the case for a more equal UK that will improve the lives of all our citizens. We will be working hard to make the most of this opportunity and we will be calling on all our wonderful supporters and local groups to help us in our efforts. 

In the meantime, you can help us lay the groundwork by supporting two of our current campaigns (many thanks if you’ve already done this):

1. Sign and share our petition against both Fat Cat and Poverty Pay

2. Use our Fairness Four asks to lobby your local councillors, candidates and Mayors ahead of the local elections on 4th May

The more we push for these policies, the more the politicians will know that extreme inequality is a key concern of voters ahead of 8th June and, crucially, that there are practical policy actions that can be taken to reduce it. As our activist campaign pack declares, Inequality Is Not Inevitable

And finally, to help us maximise the opportunities that this election presents, it would be massively helpful if you could contribute a Fiver for Fairness – thank you very much. We really appreciate your vital and ongoing support. 

The Equality Trust Team​