A Good Week for Unions. A Good Week for Equality

​The strong correlation between robust trade unions and lower inequality is well established, especially where unions are able to bargain collectively. It is fair to say that the last forty years or so have been tough for the trade union movement in the UK but there were welcome signs this week that unions are still a hugely important force for greater equality.

First came the news that the Welsh Assembly has restored many of the rights that unions lost under the government’s recent trade union legislation. There is still more to do but this is a huge step forward for workers and is testament to the vigorous union campaign waged in Wales. Then came the news that Unison had succeeded in its legal challenge at the Supreme Court to overturn iniquitous Employment Tribunal fees which were, simply, a horribly regressive tax on justice.

We are proud to count Unison as one of our affiliates and we invite all unions to affiliate with us to advance the case for a more equal UK. We also urge people to join a trade union where and whenever possible, in order to increase the strength of the union movement in the UK. There are 6.2 million union members in the UK and that means it is the largest, progressive social movement in the country, but more members will help this movement achieve even more for working people.

Bill Kerry
Supporters & Local Groups Manager