Local Elections 2018 – Take Action With The Fairness Four

There are crucial local and Mayoral elections being held in parts of the country on Thursday 3rd May and this is an ideal opportunity to push for egalitarian policies to improve our society. So, if there are elections where you live, please put these four simple asks – The Fairness Four – to your sitting councillors and candidates, as follows:

1. Evaluate the likely impact of council policies on socio-economic inequality*
2. Pay all directly contracted staff the real Living Wage (as set by the Living Wage Foundation)
3. Ensure all council contractors are required to pay staff the real Living Wage
4. Publish a plan to reduce the pay ratio between the CEO and the lowest-paid directly employed council worker


You may be able to find your local council and Mayoral candidates here using this citizen-led database. Your local council website and/or your local library may well also have candidate information. Please forward any responses you receive from any councillors or candidates to us at info@equalitytrust.org.uk – thank you. 

And if you want to get more involved in local equality campaigning you can use our brand new local manifesto, The Fairness Fifteen, to work with your local council or Mayor to tackle inequality and poverty where you live. The best way to do this is to join or start a local equality group and we can help you do that.

By taking these actions you are actively helping to build a fairer, better UK. Thank you very much for your support.

The Equality Trust Team

* As per the Socio-economic Duty, section 1 of the Equality Act 2010. This was, regrettably, not brought into force by central government but local councils can take action on this and many are doing so, eg: Newcastle and other major cities. The Equality Trust and Just Fair are campaigning to encourage the Government to bring the duty into force: https://1forequality.com/ and you can ask your MP to support EDM 591 to support this campaign – thank you.

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DONATE to help us do more, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to sustain and develop our work.
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