Monthly News from The Equality Trust (April 2019)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

It’s been another busy month…

#EqualPay50 conference: The stubborn persistence of the gender pay gap was evidenced yet again this month, a gap which is a major contributor to overall inequality in the UK and beyond. We will be exploring the UK situation in detail at our upcoming conference on 29 May where we will launch a major new report. Places are filling up, so don’t delay booking in, which you can do here.

#EverydayInequality: We’ve just launched a brand new online platform bringing together blogs, videos and stories of the personal, lived experience of inequality. Until now, there has been no platform or forum providing access to the lived experience of inequality, or its everyday impacts, in an accessible way. See the stories so far, find out more about the project, and fill in this short form if you’d like to begin exploring the different ways you can contribute to the project.

Development, Not Dividends: If you’re interested in finding out more about our campaign for an end to the privatisation of overseas aid, the recording of our January panel event Public-private partnerships: For people or profit? is now available to watch on YouTube. The panel of experts includes speakers from SOAS, Christian Aid, Stamp Out Poverty and our special guest, Luke Espiritu, a trade unionist from the Philippines. More information on the campaign can be found here.

The Fairness Four: Moving seamlessly from the global issue of aid to the local sphere, we launched our campaign to get local councillors, Mayors and candidates to take action in four practical areas to advance equality in their areas. Even though election day is upon us, please do take the action if you can.

The Inner Level teach-in: We are pleased to confirm that a teach-in from Professors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett on their latest book, The Inner Level, can now be found on our website here. Please do use and share widely, thank you.

Building the Movement: Wanda has been out and about this month spreading the equality message, and is heading to Paris for the civil society leaders’ working session at the OECD Forum 2019 and will also be speaking at Continuum Camp in Wales, a community fundraising festival, where she will be talking about the inextricably-linked twin evils of inequality and climate change.

Thank you, as ever, for your continued support which inspires and drives forward our campaign for a fairer, greener and better world.

Best wishes,
Wanda, Jo, Rianna, John, Frankie & Bill.
The Equality Trust Team

You can help support our work in other ways too: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work. You can also follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook and **now on Instagram** – thank you..


Pick of the Month: Equality Trust on Gender Pay Gap
– Equality Trust on regional inequalities
– Prof. Kate Pickett on The Inner Level
– What makes us healthy? (Health Foundation video)
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (March 2019)

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: Here’s all the latest news from our wonderful affiliated local groups, read on for more details here…


Pick of the Month: Poorest hit hardest by Universal Credit
– UK social mobility stagnant since 2014
– Knife crime: prevention better than cure
– Pupil mental health at crisis point
– Right to food should be part of Scottish law
– Pension age changes to worsen inequalities
– School system favours richer families
– Loneliness is an inequality issue
– Councils lack money to tackle homelessness


Pick of the Month: Extreme land ownership inequality revealed
– Fat Cat pay under increasing scrutiny
– Banking services: poor costs more
– Inequality and climate change inextricably linked
– More DWP failings on Universal Credit
– For the few: dividends soar for shareholders
– Fat Cattery continues at Centrica
– Welsh council tax rises creating poverty
– Food poverty shames poorer kids


Pick of the Month: Millennials and the shrinking middle class
– A Green New Deal for the UK
– US super-rich in crisis of confidence
– Socio-economic rights should be made law
– The Great Inequality Con (with Equality Trust stats)
– Sweden getting more unequal
– US: inequality seen as national emergency
– Four-day week could tackle inequality
– Debt: we can learn from the Bronze Age
– The Gilded Age: a historical take