Monthly News From The Equality Trust (August 2018)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

FTSE 100 CEO pay: The latest CEO pay figures (for 2017) came out this month and it showed them, yet again, pulling further away from the rest of us. It is obscene that these people are able to grab, on average, £3.9m a year in the midst of our worsening social crises, particularly those around housing, homelessness and food poverty. Our analysis showed that teachers, nurses and carers are earning less than 1% of what these CEO’s gouge from their companies each year. This level of inequality threatens our social cohesion and it must be reduced if our society is to improve. For all other news relating to inequality this month, please see our round-up below…

Appeal for Teachers: The Spirit Level and The Inner Level have made a compelling case for the multiple effects of income inequalities. Thanks to support from the Network for Social Change, we are developing a project to translate this research on the drivers, scale and impacts of inequality into accessible, engaging activities for use by teachers and other learning facilitators.  Our goal is for a full suite of flexible and interactive classroom materials that can be used at all key stages and across a variety of subjects.  

We are aware that a number of colleagues will have already developed resources and schemes of work which consider income inequality and we would very much like to hear from them about these approaches with a view to using this existing material as the foundation for co-production of the suite of materials through a series of workshop activities. It is intended that these workshops will produce material that will be piloted and evaluated and then disseminated directly to schools and via current local groups, activists and speakers, encouraging and facilitating links between them and interested schools, colleges and universities in their local areas. 

We would very much like to hear from you at if you have developed any materials that you use to engage people with the issues around inequality whether that’s within a formal or an informal setting. We would also encourage you to contact us if you would be interested in working on the development of the resources and/or in piloting the materials when they become available. Thank you very much.

Best wishes, Wanda, Jo, Rianna & Bill.
The Equality Trust Team

You can help support our work in various ways: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. DONATE to help us do more, the generosity of our supporters sustains our work. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work

For all the very latest inequality news follow us on twitter and/or facebook – thank you.


Pick of the Month: Equality Trust comment on latest CEO pay excess
– The Ownership Charter – An Idea Whose Time Has Come
– A House Divided – Inequality and Housing in the UK (Guest Blog)
– How The Inner Level Explained My Mental Distress (Guest Blog)
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (July 2018)

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: It’s been a busy month, from Edinburgh down to Somerset and various points in between, including our latest new group in Stoke & Staffs, more details here…


Pick of the Month: CIPD report shows CEO pay hike in 2017
– CIH report reveals heat or eat or pay rent disgrace
– Children’s Society report shocking self-harm stats
– IPPR calls for end to speculative profits made from land
– Researchers highlight US and UK life expectancy declines
– Shelter says tenants on benefits discriminated against
– Citizens Advice show UK debt ballooning
– EPI reports US CEO pay surged in 2017
– UK Govt releases Green Paper on social housing
– UK Govt unveils fund to tackle rough sleeping
– ONS data show stalling life expectancy
– Holiday hunger getting worse say teachers


Pick of the Month: UK minimum wage not enough to live on
– Nearly 1/5th of FTSE 100 on ‘fat cat’ register
– Shareholder revolts up by a quarter
– Children walking the streets hungry in Wales
– Scottish Govt tackles period poverty
– Los Angeles fencing off homeless people
– Shock as shareholders face down bosses for once
– Childhood obesity – situation worsening
– Bankers are just as funny as you suspected
– People on Universal Credit hit with deductions
– Britain’s richest man flees to Monaco with his Gong
– DWP discourages recording of food bank referrals
– Girls self-harming more due to modern life pressures
– More problems with Universal Credit…
– Amazon profits up but taxes down


Pick of the Month: How inequality erodes our mental health
– The case for abolishing private schools
– Why workers are not on US company Boards
– The elite charade of changing the world (book review)
– Billionaires reach for the stars while Earth suffers
– Worrying trends in UK life expectancy
– Heat – the next big inequality issue
– The continued importance of social security
– Poverty in Britain – not much changes
– Tax havens and the rigged economy
– Materialism erodes sympathy for the poor
– Scrap council tax – wealthy must pay more