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Monthly News from The Equality Trust (February 2019)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

It’s been another busy month and we have been inspired by the wonderful schools strike against climate change. It really is a telling indictment of our political and economic system that the “grown-ups” have to be taught by young people about what really matters and what has to change. But this strike shows that change is possible – and that is truly inspiring. In other news….

APPG on Poverty: Together with Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) we provide the secretariat function for this vital APPG which, among other things, brings out the stories of people’s lives as they are affected by everyday inequality and poverty in the UK. Over the past year the APPG has held an inquiry into the pernicious poverty premium, which makes it cost more to be poor.  This month, two excellent guest blogs were published on the APPG website: Energy costs more when you’re poor (from Lucie Russell, Fair By Design) and The hidden hurdle of nappy need for struggling families (Audrey Symes, National Diaper Bank Network). Both well worth a read.

Fight Inequality Alliance: As UK/European convener of FIA, we are pleased to report that it’s going from strength to strength and they are recruiting for the following positions: Mobilisation ManagerCommunications ManagerAsia Co-ordinator and Fundraising Manager. The locations for the positions are flexible (apart from the Asia post which will need to be based in the region), and the closing date for applications is Monday 4 March. 

Look out for more local actions you can take when we launch our work on PPPs, Public Private Partnerships, which as many of you know, have plundered public services to create more profit for shareholders. You will be as scandalised as we are to discover that there are plans to channel UK aid money to fund more private companies to build often inappropriate infrastructure in developing countries, channeling profits from development to shareholders.

Inequality Activists Speak Out: We are busy developing more video content for our campaign and sharing it on our YouTube channel. The latest video is of 3 of our fantastic activists speaking out on how they see economic inequality affecting their lives which you can view here.

When in Rome: Wanda was in Rome speaking to over 60 European MPs about inequality, attended a roundtable on corporate governance held by the Shadow Treasury and was part of a group of civil society and academics at the launch of the LSE CASE/III launch of research funded by JRF on the link between poverty and inequality.

Looking Ahead… Wanda will be speaking at the international Move Humanity Conference in Denmark (27-28 March) which will plot a path to achieving the necessary mobilisation and financing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

As ever, thank you for your continued support and please do continue to tell your friends, family and colleagues about our campaign for a fairer, better world where all can flourish.

Best wishes,
Wanda, Jo, Rianna, John & Bill
The Equality Trust Team

You can help support our work in various ways: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. DONATE to help us do more, the generosity of our supporters sustains our work. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work.

For all the very latest inequality news follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook and **now on Instagram** – thank you..


Pick of the Month: Professor Richard Wilkinson on inequality
– London Fashion Week (Guest Blog)
– One Month On: Reflections On #FightInequality Week 2019
– Inequality: Reflections From Lincolnshire (Guest Blog)
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (January 2019)

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: All the latest news from our wonderful affiliated local groups across the UK which you can read about here…


Pick of the Month: Inequality widening in UK
– Poverty hit areas have more homeless people
– Children’s services in crisis
– Inequality causes lethal violence
– UK on course for record child poverty
– UK youth suffering from health inequalities
– Hostile environment causing child-homelessness
– Period poverty worsening
– Mental health issues taking toll on teachers
– More than a third of babies live in poverty
– Financing injustice: a briefing
– Universal Credit: evictions crisis looming
– UK overseas aid money being misdirected


Pick of the Month: Higher taxes on rich are needed
– Gender pay gaps widening at many big firms
– Energy companies still profiteering
– We need to talk about council tax
– Fat Cattery infecting universities
– Being poor costs more
– School climate strike gets support
– Govt admits Universal Credit driving hunger
– Air pollution is an inequality issue
– Million more youngsters living with parents
– UK parents going hungry to feed their kids
– Anxiety rising amongst young people
– Knife crime and victim blaming
– Historian berates billionaires at Davos


Pick of the Month: The class gap: why it pays to be privileged
– Access to green space is not equal
– Why 56 black men are posing in hoodies
– Time to restore the labour wage share
– How to fund a Green New Deal
– The revolt against the rich
– Inequality fuels pushier parenting
– Wealth inequality is way worse than you think
– Class assimilation is no solution
– Private schools: the 7% problem
– Fighting inequality: we need a tougher response
– The return of Dickensian diseases