Monthly News From The Equality Trust (January 2018)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

Monthly News From The Equality Trust (December 2017 – January 2018)

The past couple of months have been exceptionally busy for The Equality Trust. We held the Inaugural Richard Wilkinson Lecture on 7th December (film coming soon!) and announced our link up with pioneering pay ratio campaign, Pay Compare, which will take our campaigns around corporate governance and pay inequality to a whole new level. This is clearly needed given the grim pay inequality revealed by our Fat Cat Thursday analysis early in the new year. We also had time to send out our annual supporter survey which will close shortly. Please do give us your views if you haven’t already – just click here.

This month has been dominated by the mobilisation around Fight Inequality Week where, as UK and European convener, we have played a major role and have been supported by our brilliant activists and local groups. Looking ahead, we will soon be focusing on the campaign to activate the Socio-economic Duty (currently dormant within the Equality Act 2010) and will be releasing national, local and individual manifestos to help people take action against inequality across the UK. In the longer term we are planning for the release of the follow-up to The Spirit Level (entitled The Inner Level) from Profs Wilkinson & Pickett which is expected to be published in early June.

As well as the iniquitous fallout from Carillion, we have kept up our coverage on social media of the UK’s ongoing disasters of homelessness, poverty (in particular food poverty) and the failures of Universal Credit. These accumulating crises all interlink and undermine the ridiculous assertion made by some politicians and commentators that inequality is falling in the UK. For all other recent news and views relating to inequality, please see below… Best wishes, The Equality Trust Team.

Thank you very much for your support which helps to keep our campaign going. Regular financial support enables us to plan our work better but further one-off contributions are also most welcome. You can also support our work by forwarding this bulletin to people you know who might be interested. Thank you.

And thanks to the amazing support we received from our supporters in the Big Give week in late November / early December we have now started the prep work for our Young Equality Campaigners project. Thank you.

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: Our wonderful local groups continue to do amazing and varied work to tackle inequality in the UK from practical action to awareness-raising and educational outreach. Read on to find out more…