Monthly News From The Equality Trust (March 2018)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

In March we were delighted to release our new national, local and individual manifestos which, respectively, are designed to help people lobby MPs, engage with their local council or Mayor and take actions in their own lives to tackle inequality. The local manifesto, The Fairness Fifteen, will be useful for checking out your local candidates’ views on inequality if you have local elections coming up in May in your area.

We have also stepped up our campaign to get parliamentary support for the implementation of the Socio-Economic Duty, and thanks to your actions the numbers of MPs supporting EDM 591 has increased to nearly 80. In other news, the Chancellor fluffed his chance to address inequality in the Spring Statement and, as our news round-up below shows, the problems we suffer as a result of inequality and its attendant poverty remain formidable. So, there is still much work to do and we are very grateful for your continued support.
Thank you from Wanda, Jo & Bill at The Equality Trust.

You can help support our work in various ways: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. DONATE to help us do more, the generosity of our supporters sustains our work. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work.


PICK OF THE MONTH: Equality Trust releases new manifestos
– Equality Trust steps up campaign for the Socio-Economic Duty
– Equality Trust responds to the Spring Statement 2018
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (Feb 2018)


More excellent work from our affiliated local groups this month, just click here to find out more. We can help you set up a local group to tackle inequality and poverty where you live, just get in touch with Bill Kerry, our Supporters & Local Groups Manager…


PICK OF THE MONTH: – UN report shows more equal countries are happier
– House of Commons Library briefing on income inequality
– Analysis shows rapid rise in mortality in early 2018
– New paper on re-thinking poverty
– Poverty and low pay in the UK from the IFS
– British cities falling short on affordable housing targets
– Inter-generational wealth analysis from David Willetts


PICK OF THE MONTH: Children go hungry as free school meals cut
– School funding becoming a catastrophe
– Housing benefit restored for 18-21 year olds
– Bishop of Durham deeply concerned over Universal Credit
– Social cleansing in London
– Govt figures show sharp rise in child poverty
– Less than 5% of Govt money for housing goes on housebuilding
– UK housing costs surge – worst in western Europe
– Food bank use could rise significantly
– The heavy price of unpaid internships
– Concern at rising infant mortality rate
– Austerity set to worsen child poverty
– Minimum wage thieves exposed
– Govt urged to ditch voter ID plan
– Ministers shelve plans to cut benefits sanctions
– Access to green spaces is an inequality issue
– Cap rent-to-own lending MPs told


PICK OF THE MONTH: Forget about GDP, it’s time for a wellbeing economy
– Ryan Shorthouse says grammar schools don’t add any value…
– Why I’m suing over my dream internship…
– Owen Jones calls for a wealth tax (using Equality Trust figures)
– Rising death rates in prisons and mental health detention
– Six months working in low-wage Britain
– Exploitation and the rise of the micro-flat
– How to change the course of human history
– What doesn’t kill you, makes you weaker (article from February)
– Good overview of inequality data from Harvard Business Review
– Inequality and murder rates (article from December)
– Why the poor don’t vote to soak the rich