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Monthly News from The Equality Trust (March 2019)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

We Are Ten: On 5th March we celebrated our 10th Birthday. It’s a decade since we launched and The Spirit Level was published and we would like to thank everyone for their kind words and sending us best birthday wishes. We would also like to thank you and all our supporters for your unstinting support which has propelled us this far. In other news…

Equal Pay 50: As part of our Fair Pay campaign we have organised a one-day conference in central London (29 May) with a variety of stakeholder groups to discuss how we make long overdue progress on winning equal pay in the run up to the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Equal Pay Act 1970. Booking details can be found here.

#EverydayInequality: Calling all Londoners! We want to bring together blogs, interviews, poetry, music, art, videos and photography to showcase the real, diverse stories of what it’s like to experience inequality, starting with London – the most unequal region in the country. You can find out more here about getting involved and explore different ways to contribute to your story to the project. Please do share this with anyone in London who you think could contribute.

Young Equality Campaigners: To understand the damage that inequality and poverty is inflicting on the lives of young people in the UK we strongly recommend listening to this powerful Guardian podcast which features some of the young people from the Bollo Brook Youth Centre in Acton, west London, who we are working with as part of our Young Equality Campaigners project.

The Mandela Exhibition: As a Spark of Hope we are pleased to offer you a discount code for the Mandela Exhibition, which considers the meaning of Mandela’s legacy today – in a world where inequality and injustice are still rife we are tasked with a call to action. Supporters of The Equality Trust may use the code LAM1250 to purchase tickets online at (pricing tickets at £12.50, a 17% discount).

Building the Movement: Wanda’s had a very busy month out and about promoting the egalitarian message at various events and meetings, including: the DFID Voluntary National review on SDGs, the Third Sector Charity Business Awards and the ACEVO race advisory group. In addition, Wanda spoke at the Europe Delivers Brussels consultation group and at International Women’s Day events at Unison and Hertford College, Oxford. She has also been invited to share The Equality Trust’s analysis and perspectives on equality with a large and prestigious high street bank, gave a keynote speech at the launch of the Race, Class and Ethnicity Network at University of Sunderland, and spoke at the high-profile #MoveHumanity conference in Denmark, advocating for a wealth tax on billionaires. Onwards and upwards and thank you for your support.

Best wishes,
Wanda, Jo, Rianna, John, Frankie & Bill.
The Equality Trust Team

You can help support our work in other ways too: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work. You can also follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook and **now on Instagram** – thank you..


Pick of the Month: Equality Trust on a UK Green New Deal
– The reality of in-work poverty
– The Poverty Premium: How would you feel?
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (Feb 2019)

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: Here’s the latest news from our wonderful affiliated local groups, ranging from London to Dorset and from Crewe to Cambridge. All details here…


Pick of the Month: British life expectancy slumps
– Child poverty worsens again
– MPs warn on effects of bosses “naked greed”
– Basic income: feasible and affordable
– Regional inequality laid bare
– High earners pay outstrips rest of us
– Millions at risk of poor quality old age
– Better managed companies pay more fairly
– Public spaces sold from under you…
– Public Sector workers face poverty pay
– The Great British Debt Trap


Pick of the Month: “Poor playground” sparks outrage
– Automation to replace 1.5 million jobs
– Schools: our unofficial emergency service
– Shell disgrace themselves over CEO pay
– Working poor increasingly reliant on charity
– Capitalism is under serious threat
– Inequality undermining human rights
– Cashless society is an inequality issue
– Universal Credit causing psychological stress
– Why knife attacks are relentless
– Period poverty: socks used as sanitary towels


Pick of the Month: Gangs, poverty and knife crime (podcast)
– The USA: One Nation Under Stress
– The indiscriminate consequences of inequality
– Accent softening: how inequality fuels status anxiety
– Making tax fairer and more transparent
– Why the working class needs greater respect
– Art and inequality: the retreat of the state
– US college scandal shows corrosive effects of inequality
– Wealthy elites construct self-serving moralities
– Why is American democracy in danger?
– How inequality affects wellbeing (US podcast)