Monthly News from The Equality Trust (May 2018)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

This month saw the release of our Wealth Tracker 2018 which received some excellent coverage, most notably in the Daily Mirror. We have been tracking the insensitive and tasteless Sunday Times Rich List for five years now so we thought it would be a good opportunity to take stock. What we found out was that while austerity has deepened and homelessness and food poverty has soared these past five years, the richest 1,000 individuals have increased their wealth by £274 billion to £724 billion, a sum that is significantly greater than the combined wealth of the poorest 40% of households put together. So, the next time someone tells you we can’t afford social housing, jobs, pensions, healthcare, education and a decent social security system, you can remind them that the money exists, it’s just currently hoarded by a tiny minority – and we can change this.

In other news, we are gearing up for our fundraiser/launch event (19th June) for the new book, The Inner Level, from Profs Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. Places are filling up so don’t delay booking in, which you can do here.

And to finish this month, we’d just like to say thank you for your support over the past decade. We are in our tenth year of operation and you have driven our campaign to push inequality up the economic, social and political agenda, something we celebrate in our new supporter leaflet released this month. So, thank you. We can’t do what we do without you.

Best wishes, Wanda, Jo & Bill.
The Equality Trust Team

You can help support our work in various ways: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. DONATE to help us do more, the generosity of our supporters sustains our work. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work

For all the very latest inequality news follow us on twitter and/or facebook – thank you.


Pick of the Month: UK richest increase their wealth by £274 billion in five years
– We are a Spark of Hope – thanks to you…
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (April 2018)

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: all the latest news from the groups in May, including a new affiliated group in Crewe & Nantwich plus plans for groups in Edinburgh, Nottingham and Stoke.


Pick of the Month: Worrying spike in death rates in 2018
– Poverty gaps still increasing
– Morbid obesity expected to double by 2035
– Zero-hours contracts on the rise…
– How Social Wealth Funds could transform Britain
– Researchers find welfare conditionality does not work
– Revealed – care crisis affecting thousands
– Call for taxes to solve generational divide
– A million more children in poverty since 2010
– Status anxiety – presenteeism rising as people go to work sick
– Call for reform of inheritance tax


Pick of the Month: Rich List comment in The Mirror (with Equality Trust stats)
– Children ‘burned out’ with social media comparisons
– Firms earning millions from the plight of the homeless
– Disability system preventing people accessing benefits
– The shaming of BT shows why business leaders are held in such low esteem
– Girl Guides seek to tackle period poverty
– How one Oxford college is bucking the Oxbridge elitist trend
– The link between domestic violence and homelessness
– In education ‘choice’ is code for inequality
– Sainsburys CEO is singing – but are the workers?


Pick of the Month: There is Power in a Union
– Unions restrain inequality better than education
– Britain viewed through a US lens
– Media amnesia in the age of neo-liberalism
– Shareholders are revolting – but not enough…
– Big pay gaps are bad for business
– Ethnically mixed schools lessen hostility
– CEO-worker pay ratios highlighting extreme US inequality
– Three facts you need to know about inequality and populism
– The Precariat and why they threaten our society