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Monthly News from The Equality Trust (May 2019)

We’ve had an incredibly busy month with a major news splash and a groundbreaking conference.

#TalkTax – Wealth Tracker 2019: We released our annual Wealth Tracker exposing the gross and increasing wealth of the richest 1,000 people in the UK. Over the past year alone, the richest 1000 have seen their wealth grow by nearly £48 billion to £771 billion. This highlights that we have become a nation of Ferraris and Food Banks and we were featured in over 300 pieces of press and broadcast media. This has kicked off our campaign to write to these billionaires and millionaires to ask them to pledge to pay more tax for the common good. We will be telling them it’s time to #TalkTax …If you saw coverage of the richest people in your areas in the local press, then please feel free to write to them and let us know if you get a response!

#EqualPay50: Our new report From Pin Money To Fat Cats looking into pay and gender pay inequality in the FTSE 100 (funded by Friends Provident Foundation) was launched at a conference attended by academics, trade unions, campaigners and key speakers, including Sam Smethers, CEO of Fawcett Society, Debbie Weekes-Bernard, Deputy London Mayor, Stella Creasy MP and Shakira Martin, President of the NUS. The feedback on the day has been overwhelmingly positive and the report has laid an excellent foundation on which to take forward our fair pay work in the coming years If you want to know more about this campaign, please contact us at – thank you. 

Stories from the Equality Frontline: We’re looking for a diverse range of activists from across the UK to be a part of a short film to put pressure on our national leaders as they review progress on reducing inequality at the UN’s High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) this July. Can you help? Do you have a story of your local inequality campaigns? If you’re interested in taking part, please fill in our online form by Friday 7th June 2019. More details here…

UN Special Rapporteur – update: We released this response to the official report from Philip Alston (UN Special Rapporteur) wholeheartedly endorsing his damning findings on the state of UK inequality and poverty. We are particularly proud of the role played by the magnificent young people we worked with as part of our Young Equality Campaigners project in informing Mr Alston of the truth about our divided and unjust society. As a result, our Director, Wanda, has been invited to speak on a panel at the UN in Geneva, with other civil society organisations on the day that the report is presented on June 27th.

More Bang For Your Buck: Have you made a regular or one-off contribution to The Equality Trust in the last few years? By sending us your Gift Aid Declaration, we receive an additional 25p for every £1 you donate. Please make your Gift Aid declaration today. Or if you want to start contributing to the Equality Trust please click here to become a regular contributor. Thank you.

Building The Movement: Wanda will be heading to the Eurodad International Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia at the start of June. This year the theme is Development Finance in the 21st century: Economic justice for all. She will also be speaking at the Sheffield Hallam Festival of Education.

Thank you for your ongoing support. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Best wishes,
Wanda, Jo, Rianna, John, Frankie, Angela & Bill.
The Equality Trust Team

You can help support our work in other ways too: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work. You can also follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook and **now on Instagram** – thank you..



Pick of the Month: A Nation of Ferraris and Food Banks
– Equality Trust response to UN Special Rapporteur’s UK report
– Balance: A video for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
– Don’t privatise aid: Equality Trust joint letter to Rory Stewart MP
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (April 2019)

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: Here’s all the latest news from our wonderful affiliated local groups, read on for more details here…


Pick of the Month: UK Child Poverty Mapped
– Taxes and social security do reduce inequality
– England’s inequality map revealed
– Shareholders not stopping Fat Cat pay
– UBI of £48 per week proposed for UK
– Laws should pass compassion threshold
– Inequality entrenched from birth
– ATMs and how being poor costs more


Pick of the Month: Stress from poverty is over-medicalised
– Pensioner poverty driving over-70s employment
– Welfare reforms pushing people into homelessness
– Privatisation of probation services to be reversed
– Four million Brits working for their poverty
– Our schools: the fourth emergency service
– First food banks, now hygiene banks
– Payday loans scandal hits poorest hardest


Pick of the Month: Britain’s scandalous wealth inequality
– Gilded Rage: How should we view philanthropists?
– How inequality causes financial crashes
– How inequality encourages narcissism and over-confidence
– Inequality built in to cities around the world
– The scandal of food poverty in the UK
– SDGs in the UK: could do a lot better
– How global warming has made the rich richer
– Blind to inequality: The Gated Community effect
– Redistribution, predistribution and beyond