
Monthly News from The Equality Trust (October 2019)

This month has been busy as The Equality Trust organised the Fight Inequality Alliance European gathering in Copenhagen.

We are also gearing up for our annual fundraising appeal: The Big Give Christmas Challenge. Donations between noon 3rd December and 10th December will be doubled. It’s an impressive way to get the most bang for your buck. Save the date!


Building the movement

Wanda spoke at the National Housing Federation’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Housing Conference, speaking alongside representatives from the LGBT Consortium, Disability Rights and Stonewall Housing.

She has also appeared at an event hosted by Amnesty International, understanding poverty and social rights through lived experience, discussing the socio-economic duty alongside our friends at Just Fair, ATD Fourth World and Thrive Teesside.

Fighting inequality in Copenhagen

Earlier this month, Wanda and Rianna travelled to Copenhagen to convene a Fight Inequality Alliance European gathering, attended by NGO staff and grassroots activists representing six European countries. Across two days, activists explored the links between the climate and inequality crises, and developed plans for national mobilisations for the Fight Inequality global week of action taking place in January.

While there, we also hosted a public debate in which panellists discussed the impacts of privatisation of public services for gender equality, launching our latest policy briefing on the issue.

Demand equal pay this November

November marks the month in the year in which women, on average, begin “working for free” as a result of the gender pay gap. We’re calling on our supporters to get active throughout the month to demand that businesses and the Government take urgent action on gender pay inequality.

Things you can do:

  • Organise a leafletting session in your local area
  • Lobby a company with a large gender pay gap online or at their offices if they are local!
  • Run a lunchtime meeting at your workplace to discuss equal pay
  • If you’re based in London, join our street action on Wednesday 6th
  • Signpost people to advice and support on progressing equal pay disputes

Email us ( to order leaflets, get advice on how to run an equal pay meeting and to discuss other ways you can get involved. Find out more about Equal Pay Month.

Young Equality Campaign update:

We are proud and excited to be supporting Brighter Futures, who were part of our Young Equality Campaigners pilot, to deliver Words Aparta free evening of art and poetry.

This project enables young migrants to speak openly and without fear about the issues that impact their daily lives.

The event will be held on the 19th November, 6pm – 9.30pm, at the Ecology Pavilion (London, E3). We really hope to see some of you there, so you can see the impact that working alongside young people has.


Following on from choosing The Equality Trust for their charity fundraiser, as part of their Citizenship GCSE, Ted, Connor and Luke invited Jo to deliver an assembly to 100 students at Adeyfield School. Prior to the assembly, the students undertook a survey which demonstrated respondents did not have a good understanding of inequality.

Feedback from students on the day showed that the assembly had increased their knowledge and understanding immensely. Teachers also reported that they felt more able to deliver information about socio-economic inequality effectively in lessons


Fundraising appeal: The Big Give Christmas Challenge

We are delighted to announce that we will be taking part in The Big Give Christmas Challenge for the third year running.

Alongside several generous individual donors, Four Acre Trust has, once again, backed our vision of working alongside children and young people to tackle socioeconomic inequality.

We have just one week from Tuesday 3rd December to raise over £15,000 to unlock all of these generous pledges. If you would like to speak to someone about making a donation, or if you have any questions about the project, please email Jo, the project lead.






Thanks again for another amazing month. To find out more about any of our projects, please get in contact.