Monthly News from The Equality Trust (September 2018)

We email a newsletter to all our supporters, like the one below, rounding up all the inequality-related news for the past month. If you want to get the latest inequality news quicker and sent direct to your inbox, just sign up to The Equality Trust newsletter here. Thank you. 

STOP PRESS: Book now to hear Professor Kate Pickett give the 2nd Annual Richard Wilkinson Lecture on Thursday 29th November in central London. The lecture title is Failing the Future: Childhood in an Unequal World.  It’s an event not to be missed – and it’s free!

It’s been a very busy month and here are just some of the highlights…

Consultations – taking your voice to the highest levels: We were pleased to make a submission to the UN Special Rapporteur ahead of his visit in November to assess the UK’s record on poverty and human rights and we will share this with you as soon as we can.  We had a very productive call with his office and are in the process of arranging for him to take evidence from the young people we are working with as Youth Equality Ambassadors – talking truth to power! We also participated in a call with the IMF on its inequality strategy. And we made submissions to consultations on corporate governance and on intergenerational connection

Landmark report: This month saw the release of the major new report from the IPPR think-tank which called for the UK economy to be made fairer and more just. We were pleased to contribute to the work that led up to this report and, of course, we fully support its central findings.

Fair By Design and Work for Us: We are also very pleased to support the new Fair By Design campaign to end the poverty premium, which links to our being co-secretariat of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty and its inquiry into the Poverty Premium. You can read about it here. We are also delighted to be involved with the new Unions 21 Commission on Collective Bargaining, where Wanda is one of the Commissioners, more details here.

The Ownership Charter: It was good to hear John McDonnell set out plans for greater employee ownership at the Labour party conference this week. As we have pointed out, this is an idea whose time has come, and an idea that should be supported across the political spectrum.

And finally… If you’ve not yet had chance to make a donation to our Summer Fundraiser, there’s still time. If you have, thank you very much. Your support is absolutely vital to our ongoing work which is increasingly enabling a variety of voices to be heard and to influence policy around inequality at the highest level. 

Best wishes, Wanda, Jo, Rianna & Bill.
The Equality Trust Team

You can help support our work in various ways: ACT to tackle inequality where you live by joining or forming a local group. DONATE to help us do more, the generosity of our supporters sustains our work. AFFILIATE your organisation to our affiliate programme to work closely with us. FUNDRAISE for us to give us more secure, longer term income. FORWARD this bulletin to people you know who might be interested in our work

For all the very latest inequality news follow us on twitter and/or facebook – thank you.


Pick of the Month: Fair By Design: Ending The Poverty Premium (Guest Blog)
– Money or Mental Health? It’s the Wrong Question (Guest Blog)
– Submission to FRC on Wates Corporate Governance Principles
– Submission to APPG on Social Integration on Intergenerational Connection
– Monthly News from The Equality Trust (August 2018)

LATEST LOCAL GROUP NEWS: It’s been another busy month around the groups with plenty of events going on and a new group in Northampton, all of which you can read about here…


Pick of the Month: Ten key points from that IPPR report
– Age UK report highlights growing loneliness in the over-50s
– NatCen survey reveals strong support for more tax and spend
– Social Metrics Commission says 4.5 million UK children in poverty
– Lloyds Bank Charity finds social care cuts hitting poorest areas
– Public Health England reveal stark health inequalities
– JRF report on how Brexit could affect UK poverty
IPPR says UK economy must be made fairer
Resolution Foundation highlights wealth inequality


Pick of the Month: We need a 4-day week says TUC chief
– Progress in UK life expectancy has stopped
– Welfare spending falls by £37bn for poorest
– Worst yet to come in council cuts
– London to treat violent crime as a public health issue
– Universal Credit set to hit the self-employed
– Lib Dems say tax rich to create citizens wealth fund
– More children living in squalid housing
– Young people in UK will be poorer than their parents
– Stock market boom swells ranks of the super-rich
Four million children too poor to have decent diet


Pick of the Month: The crisis in child mental health
– A radical re-think is needed for universities
– Large CEO-worker pay gaps bad for business
– Inequality: What’s at stake?
– Inequality as a lethal disorder
– Interview with Profs Wilkinson and Pickett
– Call for EU stability and wellbeing over more growth
– Inequality worsens effects of natural catastrophes
– In-work conditionality based on weak evidence
– The key graph that explains US inequality
– We need the return of Wages Councils
How modern marketing causes inequality