Please Support Our Work For A Fairer, Stronger UK

It’s been a challenging year for all of us who want to see a fairer UK and we are now at a crossroads. After Government spending plans were announced last week, figures from the Institute of Fiscal Studies have shown there is lots more pain, for people on middle and low incomes, to come over the next few years. If this isn’t bad enough, legislation now going through Parliament will ‘redefine’ poverty, to remove any reference to income.
These developments will increase inequality and push more people into poverty, while the gap between the lucky few at the top and the rest of us is stretching further. If you agree that this is a dire scenario, please help us to stop it happening.
The Equality Trust has worked hard this year not only to oppose changes like this, but to push for a more equal society. We know that more equal countries have better health, lower crime and better opportunities for a safe and strong society for future generations. This vision of a fair and safe UK is what we campaign for, and you can help us achieve it.
In the past six months alone we have highlighted how transport subsidies, the gender pay gap and charges levied to access the legal system in the UK all exacerbate inequality. We are also training and supporting people to tackle inequality and poverty where they live by getting their local councils to take action. And next year we will expose the impact of planned changes to social security.
According to polls, public concern about inequality is at its highest-ever level. But we need to convert that public concern into policy change, promoting solutions to those in power. We are working as hard as we can, and in the New Year we will outline how in-work support can better support poorer families and reduce inequality. But we can’t do as much as we want to without the support of generous people like you.
You can help make Britain a fairer place, where everyone has a better chance to thrive, by signing up to become a regular supporter. Please set up a monthly or annual contribution, either online or via standing order. This helps us most because it enables us to plan ahead knowing that we can continue this vital work. Please click here to give now.
If you prefer not to donate online then please send a cheque payable to The Equality Trust and send it to us at: 
FREEPOST RTKX-BALL-EYZC, The Equality Trust, 18 Victoria Park Square, London, E2 9PF. Or post with a stamp to our new office at The Equality Trust, Cambridge House, 1 Addington Square, London SE5 0HF
If you are unable to commit to a regular contribution, a one-off donation would also be enormously helpful.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Equality Trust