Image: Krzysztof Hepner, Unsplash

Researching the impact of our migration system on poverty

As the Co-Secretariat of the APPG on Poverty we are pleased to have recently launched our joint inquiry with the APPG on Migration which will examine the effects of UK immigration, asylum and refugee policy on poverty. Research from the JRF shows that 32% of people born overseas are in poverty compared to 19% of those born in the UK. Current policies such as the ban on asylum seekers being able to work whilst awaiting a decision on their case along with minimal levels of support available to asylum seekers will also be closely examined.               

The purpose of the inquiry is to hear from experts with professional and lived experience of the immigration system and to understand the impact current migration policies have on poverty and standard of living amongst some communities in the UK. The inquiry will form the basis of a set of shared recommendations for this and future Governments. 

We hope that these recommendations will set out how, in the current context, UK immigration policies will enable those who migrate to the UK to be able to support themselves and to fully participate in, and contribute to, their wider community. This inquiry will centre the voices of those who have navigated the migration system, as these voices are so often neglected and overlooked in the current public discourse. 

The inquiry is currently receiving survey submissions from those with professional and lived experience of the UK migration system. You can find links to both surveys below; 

Take the lived experience survey

Take the professional experience survey

The deadline for survey submissions is Wednesday 25 October and we would love to hear from you or for you to share the above links with relevant individuals. We will also be holding a lived experience workshop at the end of October as well as two oral evidence sessions in November. Make sure to follow both APPG’s social media channels (APPG on Poverty and APPG on Migration) for further updates on the progress of the inquiry.