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Support our student fundraiser (guest blog)

Luke, Ted and Connor, three GCSE students from a local school, have decided to fundraise for us. This short blog explains why they have decided to support us and lets you know how you can donate.

First of all I would like to open this blog with thanking The Equality Trust for letting us promote our Go Fund Me Page.

As part of our GCSE citizenship course we have to take part in promoting change on a topic that society is facing today. We chose the topic of inequality and to promote change we decided to try and donate as much money as we can towards a charity trying to tackle inequality. We chose The Equality Trust as our chosen charity because the charity is local to us and is trying to raise awareness for a very good cause. We decided to join in with helping you raise money for a great cause and hope we can raise as much money as possible.

Our Go Fund Me Page can be found here, our goal is to reach £1000 so any donations will go a long way.

Thank you all so much!