Why I Fight Against Inequality: A Supporter Writes…

We recently asked our supporters what skills and knowledge they might be prepared to lend us in our campaign for a fairer UK. We received a great response and this one (below) from Clare was so inspiring, we thought we’d turn it into a blog!

I’m responding to the email requesting what skills and knowledge I might have on the subject of equality. I cannot be sure I have any that are relevant, but in case I have will just pass on some things that have led me to care so much about the subject during my working life – and some of the activities I do now to try and redress the inequalities in our society.

Firstly, as a very young child, it became clear to me that life was far more of a struggle for some of us than others. I would often be worried about whether food would be on the table at home, but also felt very rich compared to what I heard about life elsewhere in the world. I began to realise the complexities of all societies often led one group to have greater success than others and became interested in how a fairer deal for everyone could happen.

Believing education was the best cure for inequality, I became a primary school teacher and chose to teach in deprived areas hoping I made a positive difference to the future lives of those I taught. Now retired, I am vice-chair of the Town Council where I live and, in that role, offer support to groups and organisations who also work to redress difficulties – for example the challenge of living with disability or debt. Our council has just voted to sell some land in order to provide much needed homes in our town – 30% of which will be affordable. Disposing of the land has been particularly difficult as there is much opposition from residents who will lose a lovely open aspect to their properties. It seems those who have much can often prevent others from achieving the same as themselves. Surely this must be wrong.

Our council is also purchasing a building for its residents – a place to meet for a multitude of reasons, but particularly those with health problems whether physical or mental. Isolation can be detrimental to everyone’s life so, hopefully, as the project progresses and the building is adapted to the needs of its users it will be available for those who wish to spend time with others. The council is working with a GP, a member of the Patients’ Association and Cardiff University on this project. 

On a personal level, I am a member of a political party and host the special interest group which is trying to find methods to lessen the effect of inequality in our constituency. It is early days for this group but, having met a couple of times to discuss the problem, our intention is to take action on something after each meeting. At the moment it is to offer solidarity to European workers who are finding working here more difficult after the Brexit vote.

To conclude, I really don’t know if this is in any way helpful or useful to you and please ignore it if it is not. Just be assured that I care very much about the plight of those who find themselves in difficult circumstances, sometimes because of the decisions of others who either don’t care or who don’t understand that ‘we are not all born equal’. We can make a difference by the way we live and how we choose to spend our time and our money. Good luck in your work. 

This is a guest blog and the views of the author are not necessarily those of The Equality Trust.​