
Equality Trust Event – ‘Would an Independent Scotland be a More or Less Equal Place?’

Time: 7 – 8.15pm.

Date: 17 June, 2014.

Venue: Edinburgh Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria St, Edinburgh EH1 2JL.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Kate Pickett (Chair, co-author of The Spirit Level)
  • Jackie Bailie MSP (Shadow Cabinet Secretary for the Health, Well-being and City Strategy)
  • Robin McAlpine (Director of the Jimmy Reid Foundation)
  • Duncan Exley (Director, the Equality Trust)

With less than four months to go until the Scottish referendum on independence, discussion and debate on Scotland’s future has intensified.  Would an independent Scotland be stronger or weaker, richer or poorer, and would the quality of life improve or worsen? But one key area of concern is yet to be fully debated – would an independent Scotland be more or less unequal?

UK inequality is among the highest in the developed world, with the gap between the richest and the rest now a chasm. A wealth of research has shown the damaging effects of inequality on our health, education and even our economy, and prominent voices from Barack Obama to the Pope have talked of the dangers of growing inequality.

Join the Equality Trust for a debate event and Q+A looking at the implications for inequality in Scotland in the event of independence. Alongside Kate Pickett (co-author of The Spirit Level), leading figures from “Yes Scotland” and “Better Together” will put forward their case. Jackie Bailie (Shadow Cabinet Secretary for the Health, Well-being and City Strategy) will argue for “Better Together”, and Robin McAlpine (Director of the Jimmy Reid Foundation) for “Yes Scotland”.

Video for the event can now be found below: