Inequality Today 2016 – Last Chance To Reserve Your Place

We are very much looking forward to our annual conference, this Saturday in central London, featuring the Rt Hon. Ed Miliband MP and Molly Scott Cato MEP. If you have not already booked your place, please do so in the next few days via this booking link.

Ed Miliband comments that “In light of the seismic developments on both sides of the Atlantic this year, it is more important than ever to analyse the causes, consequences and cures of inequality and how these can inform a route forward for progressive ideas and politics. I very much look forward to contributing my thoughts and debating these issues at The Equality Trust’s annual conference on 3rd December.”

This follows on from last week’s pre-event blog from our other featured speaker, Molly Scott Cato (Green MEP and party spokesperson on Brexit), which you can read here

Our theme for the day is Inequality & Sustainability: Prospects for Progress in the Age of Brexit. The venue is the Franklin-Wilkins Building, near Waterloo Station and the event runs from 2.00 – 5.30pm with registration from 1.00 – 2.00pm.

This event is FREE to all of those who support us – either through a regular financial contribution or via local activism. If you are new to the movement to tackle inequality, and want to find out more by attending, please sign up as a regular supporter. Alternatively, a one off contribution, to help us cover the costs of the event, is also an option.   

If you wish to tweet about the event before, during and after the day, please use #TETConf16. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!