Joint Letter In The Sunday Telegraph Calls For Section 1 Of The Equality Act To Be Brought Into Force

The Equality Trust co-ordinated the following letter with 22 other organisations and individuals calling for the socio-economic duty on public bodies, contained within section 1 of the Equality Act 2010, to be brought into force. It appeared in the Sunday Telegraph (paywall) on 18 December:

“Theresa May has set out a positive agenda to tackle social injustice and make ours “a country that works not for a privileged few but for every one of us”. However the Prime Minister has overlooked a powerful tool at her disposal: the socio-economic duty that forms the very first section of the Equality Act 2010.

“The duty, which was passed by Parliament but has not been brought into force, requires all public bodies to take account of socio-economic disadvantage when making policy decisions. This would help to shield the most vulnerable, level the playing field between people from different backgrounds, and build a fairer and more cohesive society.

“The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has announced her government will legislate to bring the duty into force in Scotland. As organisations and individuals committed to building a better society for all, we call on the Prime Minister to do the same. It is time for the Act to work as intended in the UK as a whole – what better way for the Prime Minister to demonstrate her commitment to social justice?”

Dr Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director, The Equality Trust

Jamie Burton, Chair, Just Fair

Baroness Glenys Thornton, CEO, The Young Foundation 

Ali Harris, Chief Executive, Equality and Diversity Forum

Omar Khan, Director, Runnymede Trust 

Alison Garnham, Chief Executive, CPAG

Sam Smethers, CEO, Fawcett Society

Andrew Copson, CEO, British Humanist Association

Richard Frazer, convener of the Church of Scotland’s Church & Society Council 

Paul Parker, Recording Clerk, Quakers in Britain 

Judith Moran, Director, Quaker Social Action 

Reverend Paul Nicolson, Taxpayers Against Poverty 

Professor Danny Dorling, University of Oxford

Stewart Lansley, University of Bristol 

Professor Richard Wilkinson, University of Nottingham

Professor Kate Pickett, University of York 

Dr Eva Neitzert, Director, Women’s Budget Group 

Dr Angela Donkin, Institute of Health Equity

Professor Mike Savage, London School of Economics

Dr Kitty Stewart, London School of Economics  

Jackie Longworth, Chair, Fair Play South West 

Tracey Lazard, CEO, Inclusion London 

Alex Bax, Chair, My Fair London