Paradise for the Few, not for the Many

The Equality Trust has today responded to the release of the Paradise Papers.

Dr. Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust, said:

“Revelation after revelation confirms what we already know. Many of the wealthy are doing all that they can to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. They are simply not content merely with taking the lion’s share of profit, whilst workers see their wages stagnate, but are hoarding wealth, as our public services decline. It is a sad fact that the Government can act on this, yet has so far failed to do so. This is just another nail in the coffin of equality, demonstrating how wide the gulf between the 1% and the rest of us has become.”

Notes to editors

The Equality Trust is a registered charity that works to improve the quality of life in the UK by reducing economic and social inequality. UK income inequality is among the highest in the developed world and evidence shows that this results in poorer mental and physical health, higher violent crime, poorer educational outcomes and lower levels of trust. Inequality affects us all. For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact