Pay Inequality Narrows, But More Can Be Done

Today’s Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) publication by the Office for National Statistics has shown a fall in the pay gap between the richest and poorest ten per cent, and a slight narrowing of the gender pay gap. Responding to the publication, Executive Director of The Equality Trust, Dr Wanda Wyporska, said:

“It’s great news that the gap has narrowed between those at the top and ordinary working people, and even better that many households are finally seeing more money at the end of the month. It’s testament to the positive impact of the new, higher minimum wage, and we now need to prevent any backsliding on its continued increase.

“However, there is still a huge gender pay gap, which means that women are routinely being paid less than men for work of equal value. What message does that give about how society values women and what example does that set for girls and young women?

“There is far more to be done to lift working households out of poverty. Many of those on low incomes will see a large chunk of their pay rise withdrawn when they move on to Universal Credit (UC). We need the Government to commit to reducing the withdrawal rate of UC, and to allow working households to keep more of the money they earn. We also need to offer greater support for those at the very bottom, who have seen little benefit from the new minimum wage.”

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