The Spirit Level film – one week to go…

Guest post from Katharine Round. Director of The Spirit Level documentary film

One week to go!

As you know, it was exactly one month ago that we launched our campaign to raise awareness and funds for the forthcoming Spirit Level documentary.

What a month it’s been. We’ve had an extraordinary response, support from around the globe, mentions in leading publications and blogs – and we’ve raised a fantastic amount to get the Spirit Level production started.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us – be it by spreading the word or pre-buying one of our perks.

One final push

When we launched on the 21st May we created a lot of noise and generated a lot of coverage about the problems of inequality, as well as raising vital funds for the project. We were able to put across a strong message about public support for the issue, and make a lot of people stand up and take notice.

Today, we are askng you to join us to recreate the buzz of our first day. We have just over a week left, and we want to maximise the opportunity of our campaign to raise awareness and help us achieve our target. We are asking everyone who shared our campaign to share again with their networks today. We are asking new supporters to join in and make this message even bigger. Often, messages can be missed, and this is a great chance for us to build a momentum and even exceed what we achieved on our first day.

So please share our campaign page at and help make a stand against inequality.

If you haven’t yet pre-bought your copy of the film, please also consider doing so. We need less than £2,600 to reach our target, and if we raise more, every penny will also go towards the production and distribution of this film. There are various perks on offer, from signed copies of the book, to invites to the premiere! It’s possible to contribute any amount, and anonymously.

Thank you for being involved.