‘Troubled Families’ – Boosting Incomes and Reducing the Gap Should be Priority

A report published today by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research has found that the Government’s £1bn ‘Troubled Families’ programme, a scheme that aimed to ‘turn around’ the lives of disadvantaged families, has had ‘no significant impact’.

Responding to the report’s conclusions, Executive Director of The Equality Trust, Dr Wanda Wyporska, said:

“The disastrous Troubled Families programme was riddled with confused objectives and mired in controversy from day one. The clear misuse of data, shows how policy making can go horribly wrong. 

“The same old focus on the symptoms of poverty and deprivation rather than its causes simply doesn’t work. If we really want to help those struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, then we need to boost their incomes, not work with them to alleviate the problems caused by having no money. 

“While it’s positive to see a Government commit such resources to tackling socio-economic disadvantage, what the Government really needs to do is reduce the income gap. Prime Minister Theresa May needs to ensure that her Government turns her actions into words. That means more companies paying the Living Wage, and a reformed Universal Credit to allow working families on low incomes to keep more of the money they earn.”

For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact info@equalitytrust.org.uk