UK’s Extreme Inequality Should be a Source of National Shame

Responding to today’s report from Oxfam on international inequality, which ranked the UK as the 17th most unequal out of 152 countries, Dr. Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust: 

“It should be a source of national shame to see how unequal the UK is compared to other developed countries. A lack of progressive taxes and education funding, and a reluctance to fully support poorer families, means top bosses are now being paid 165 times more than a nurse. This isn’t sustainable. 

“It’s clear the UK is a deeply divided country, but there has been a dismal lack of focus from politicians on inequality. We need a drastic rethink from political leaders, starting with a Government led Inequality Reduction Strategy that commits the Government to concrete, wide-reaching measures to reduce inequality.”

The Equality Trust is a registered charity that works to improve the quality of life in the UK by reducing economic inequality. UK income inequality is among the highest in the developed world and evidence shows that this results in poorer mental and physical health, higher violent crime, poorer educational outcomes and lower levels of trust. Inequality affects us all. For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact