London Advocacy


London is one of the richest cities in the world, yet it is also one of the most unequal. The scale of this inequality is set out in stark terms in the London Poverty Profile 2021. This inequality condemns vast numbers of its citizens to leading worse lives than they otherwise might, with the effects being particularly felt by women, BAME communities, young people and those with disabilities.

What are we striving to achieve?

Our London advocacy campaign seeks to work with our affiliated London group, My Fair London, and other individuals and groups across the capital to use the levers of political, corporate and social power to reduce inequality.

We will achieve the desired outcomes of the project through:

  • Social power: Building the capacity of My Fair London and other organisations to campaign effectively on inequality across the capital.
  • Corporate power: Increasing the number of employers in London who disclose their pay ratios on our website and take action on reducing pay gaps.
  • Political power: Increasing the number of London boroughs committed to reducing inequality, by adopting effective policies. We will undertake influencing work with London councils to encourage them to adopt the policies outlined in our Fairness Fifteen local manifesto.

As with all our work, we are particularly keen to promote the voices of ordinary citizens in telling the story of everyday inequality and how it impacts on their lives.

We will bring these voices to the attention of those in power, those who can directly and significantly improve the lives of millions of people in our capital city, such that they are compelled to take action.


This project is funded by Trust for London